118 Posts by:
Mae Ann Saas

DPS Stuff the Bus drive
#TeamEidos has been hard at work collecting school supplies and backpacks for the 2018 DPS Stuff the Bus drive. Our summer intern, DPS student Miles helped coordinate the efforts!
St. Michael Church Breaking Ground
#TeamEidos joined in on the ground breaking for the St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church addition.
Seeds of Hope Golf for Hope event
#TeamEidos was proud to participate in the Seeds of Hope Golf for Hope event yesterday!
Honoring Julia Greeley
Today marks the 100th anniversary of Julia Greeley’s death. A mass to honor her life will be held tonight at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception. Freed Slave’s Remains To Be Entombed At Denver Cathedral
Julia Greeleys Tomb
#TeamEidos is proud to have been apart of the design of Julia Greeley’s tomb.
Sixteenth Anniversary!
#TeamEidos celebrated turning the SWEET SIXTEEN with our annual pancake breakfast.
March Madness Charity
Congrats to Michelle for winning the #TeamEidos 2018 March Madness Bracket!
Silver Creek High School Additions
The vision is coming to life. Here is a peek of the new addition going up at Silver Creek High School.
Morey Middle School Open House
#TeamEidos was proud to be a part of the Morey Middle School Library Media Center Open House yesterday. Sixth grader Caden said, ” Before it was cramped, now you are keeping the history and balancing it with the new fancy stuff!”
March Madness Start Up
#TeamEidos is joining in on the March Madness too. What better way to donate to local charities than through healthy competition!