118 Posts by:
Mae Ann Saas

Architect Day at Stevens Elementary School
Today Team Eidos visited Stevens Elementary School for Architect Day and gave a lesson to their students!
PSMJ THRIVE Conference
Last week members of Team Eidos attended the PSMJ THRIVE Conference in Nashville. At the end of the conference, we were honored to be acknowledged as a 2022 Circle of Excellence Award Winner for the A/E/C Industry.
20 Years of Eidos
Eidos Architects celebrated 20 years in business with an Open House Celebration to thank everyone who has been a part of our journey!
Beam Signing at Southeast Aurora Maintenance Project
It was a great day at the Southeast Aurora Maintenance project where members of our team and the community where able to leave their mark on the project by signing one of the beams.
Inspiring Future Designers
This week Team Eidos visited an elementary school and taught a fun interactive class to some future architects!
Eidos Holiday Party 2021
This weekend Team Eidos celebrated the holiday season and the end of another great year!
Planning for the Future
Team Eidos had a great time at our Strategic Planning weekend up in Breckenridge!
Team Eidos is DESIGNED TO RUN!
Members of our team showed their athletic side recently at the Colfax Marathon Relay, which just like any project was TEAM effort!
Eidos Hosts Annual BBQ for Hispanic Contractors of Colorado
Team Eidos was trilled to be able to host the HCC annual BBQ this year! It was a great opportunity to connect with a variety of small businesses.
Tour of Castle View High School
This week Team Eidos went to tour the new CTE Addition at Castle View High School. It was great to see the design taking shape and learn about all the amenities the students will now have.