118 Posts by:
Mae Ann Saas

Church on the hill breaks ground
#TeamEidos is proud to be a part of the “Church on the hill” and help create a beautiful sanctuary for the parishioners at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. ‘Church on the hill’ breaks ground on new sanctuary
Basalt High School Completion
#TeamEidos recently completed the new addition and renovation at Basalt High School. Here are a couple shots of the Commons, Cafe and new Secured Entry!
Eidos Team Introduces Baby Boy to the Team
#TeamEidos sent Taliah off with lots of well wishes as she awaits the arrival of her new baby boy. Congrats, we can’t wait to meet the little guy!
Denver Rescue Mission Golf Tournament
#TeamEidos joined Denver Rescue Mission for their annual golf tournament. It was a blast, thanks for having us!
Northlgenn High School Cafeteria Completed
#TeamEidos recently completed the kitchen and cafeteria remodel at Northlgenn High School. Our team was excited to join in for one of their first events, The Taste of Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
Breaking Ground at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
#TeamEidos has done it again, helped to break ground that is. This time, on the addition of the new worship space at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Fort Collins.
Summer Intern Returns to School
Time sure does fly by when you are having fun. Our Summer Intern is heading back to school, finishing up his Master’s Degree. #TeamEidos wishes you the best, Dan!
Breaking Ground at Saint Jude Church
#TeamEidos helped officially break ground on the new addition for Saint Jude Catholic Church in Lakewood.
Team Eidos Rockies Game
#TeamEidos brought good luck to the Rockies last Friday. The Eidos crew had a blast at our company outing!
Denver Public Schools Intern
Congratulations to our DPS Career Connect Intern, Miles. He spent the last 6 weeks learning the in’s and out’s of Architecture Marketing with #TeamEidos.