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21st Century Schools
Northlgenn High School Cafeteria Completed
#TeamEidos recently completed the kitchen and cafeteria remodel at Northlgenn High School. Our team was excited to join in for one of their first events, The Taste of Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
DPS Stuff the Bus drive
#TeamEidos has been hard at work collecting school supplies and backpacks for the 2018 DPS Stuff the Bus drive. Our summer intern, DPS student Miles helped coordinate the efforts!
Silver Creek High School Additions
The vision is coming to life. Here is a peek of the new addition going up at Silver Creek High School.
Morey Middle School Open House
#TeamEidos was proud to be a part of the Morey Middle School Library Media Center Open House yesterday. Sixth grader Caden said, ” Before it was cramped, now you are keeping the history and balancing it with the new fancy stuff!”
2018 Colorado Charter Schools Conference
#TeamEidos was in attendance at the 2018 Colorado Charter Schools Conference. Our team learned a lot about challenges facing charter schools, strategic planning, and budgeting.
Finishing Media Center at Morey Middle School
The Library Media Center at Morey Middle School is complete. #TeamEidos integrated a 21st Century library into a historic building, blending elements of both for a cohesive design.
Ribbon Cutting at Basalt High School
Today we are proud to officially cut the ribbon on the renovation of Basalt High School! All smiles as the official ribbon is cut! #BasaltHighSchool

East Quad High School on the Cover of Colorado Construction and Design!
“Denver Public Schools’ new 76,000 square-foot East Quad Campus, a high school that will serve the students in Green Valley Ranch near DIA. Swinerton Builders is leading the design-build delivery with partners including Eidos Architects, HCL Engineering, and LEI Companies.” Colorado Construction and Design

Progress at the East Quad Campus
Construction is underway at the new East Quad Campus for Denver Public Schools.