Eidos Architects Welcomes Back Second-Year Summer Intern 0

Jacob Jones brings his passion for creative problem solving to projects.
GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo.— May 27, 2020-
Eidos Architects, P.C., an architectural firm located in Greenwood Village, Colorado welcomes second-year summer intern, Jacob Jones, back to the team.
With only one more year to go at Arizona State University, Jacob’s incoming knowledge and continued passion for architecture radiates positivity at the office.
“I hope to be a source of positivity and hard work. I’m really aiming to help the team as a whole where I can,” Jones said. “I am young and fresh in the field, and I hope to be both influenced by the wisdom here, but also willing to put forth new ideas and energy into our projects.”
Jones is looking forward to learning secrets of the trade such as modeling buildings. Growing the team to 27 members strong, he will work on projects that leave a positive community impact on educational, religious, affordable housing, and office space projects.
Welcome back Jacob!
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The Eidos Architects Story
In 2002, our Founders set out together to chase a vision. A vision of building an architectural firm that brings positive community impact to the place they call home. Today, we are a team of 27 members who focus on planning, designing and constructing places that are aesthetically pleasing, but also functional, durable, cost effective and easy to maintain. We design with community in mind on projects such as K-12 schools, religious facilities, affordable housing and municipal buildings. To learn more about us and our architectural experience visit our website. To stay up to date on current Eidos projects and more, connect with us on social, @EidosArchitects.